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1、The art of Chinese painting,Chinese Painting(Xuan paper painting):refers to paintings painted on Xuan paper or silk by ink and color,it is the main form of Chinese art.From the perspective of art history,paintings dated before the Republic of China are collectively referred as ancient paintings.With

2、out determinative name in the ancient time,Chinese painting was commonly called as Danqing,mainly refers to the paintings on silk and Xuan paper which mounted on scroll.As opposed to Western styles of art,works painted in traditional style is called as Chinese painting,meaning“national painting.中国画(

3、宣画):即用颜料在宣纸、宣绢上的绘画,是中华民族艺术的主要形式。从美术史的角度讲,民国前的都统称为古画。国画在古代无确定名称,一般称之为丹青,主要指的是画在绢、宣纸、帛上并加以装裱的卷轴画。近现代以来为区别于西方的油画(又称西洋画)等外国绘画而称之为中国画,简称“国画”。,Classification according to subject matter of Chinese painting 中国画按题材划分,(1)Figure 人物(2)Landscape 山水(3)Flowers and birds 花鸟,Figure,Figure painting is a painting.In

4、order to figure as the main body of the painting is commonly known as.Chinese figure painting,referred to as character,is a Chinese painting of a large painting,landscape painting,appeared such as flowers and birds painting as early as;divided into Taoism painting,paintings,portraits,genre paintings

5、,paintings and other stories.Figure painting to character depicting lifelike and vivid,lively,vivid.,人物画是绘画的一种。以人物形象为主体的绘画之通称。中国的人物画,简称“人物”,是中国画中的一大画科,出现较山水画、花鸟画等为早;大体分为道释画、仕女画、肖像画、风俗画、历史故事画等。人物画力求人物个性刻画得逼真传神,气韵生动、形神兼备。,Landscape,Chinese landscape painting is the Chinese emotion most heavy precipita

6、tion.Make a sightseeing tour of the mainland culture consciousness,with hill,water,for the quality consciousness,Zhichitianya illusion consciousness,has become the landscape axis line deduction.,中国山水画是中国人情思中最为厚重的沉淀。游山玩水的大陆文化意识,以山为德、水为性的内在修为意识,咫尺天涯的视错觉意识,一直成为山水画演绎的中轴主线。,Flowers and birds,The Chinese

7、painting,flowers,birds and flowers,where to fish etc.to depict objects in the painting,known as the flower and bird painting.Flower and bird painting painting in the fine,style,write and work with three.,在中国画中,凡以花卉、花鸟、鱼虫等为描绘对象的画,称之为花鸟画。花鸟画中的画法中有“工笔”、“写意”、“兼工带写”三种,Classification according to the tech

8、nique of Chinese painting 中国画按技法划分 great freehand style大写意 Xieyi(Freehand style)写意画 slight freehand style 小写意 Line drawing 白 描 Gongbi(Fine-brush)工笔画 Fine-brush with Heavy Color工笔重彩 Fine-brush with Light Color 工笔淡彩 Boneless painting 没骨画,Four treasures of calligraphy and painting:Brush is a traditiona

9、l Chinese writing instrument,made of animal hair.毛笔,是一种源于中国的传统书写工具,由禽、兽的毛制成的笔。为书画文房四宝之一。,Four treasures of calligraphy and painting:Chinese ink,black pigment used for writing and painting,is made of materials including pine soot,lacquer and herbal medicine,etc.墨,是书写、绘画的黑色颜料,其主要原料是烟料、胶以及中药等,为书画文房四宝之一

10、。,Four treasures of calligraphy and painting:Xuan paper,including unprocessed,processed and half processed,suitable for conveying the artistic expression of both calligraphy and painting.宣纸,是中国古代用于书写和绘画的纸,宣纸主要分为生宣、半熟宣、熟宣,是书画文房四宝之一。,Four treasures of calligraphy and painting:Ink stone is made of special and rare stone used for grinding ink.砚,磨墨用的文具,为特殊、稀有的石料制成,亦为书画文房四宝之一。,Four Gentleman of Chinese Painting 国画四君子,Plum blossom 梅花,Orchid 兰花,Bamboo 竹子,Chrysanthemum 菊花,Graphic artist Xu beihong,Thank you!,


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