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1、rio策划书(共5篇) 第1篇:Rio大冒险策划(修改)Rio大冒险指的是消费者购买Rio有一定几率(12%左右)获得冒险资格,参与到城市Rio,冒险之旅。主办方在城市中设计完整的探险之旅,消费者若根据连续提示不断寻找到最终一站并且用时最短则可成为本城市的幸运冒险家,获得Rio赞助的里约热内卢旅游大奖或者获得参与全国Rio大冒险的资格(以城市为单位进行的冒险之旅),用时较长超过一定人次的则只可以获得赠饮资格1、在全国选取十到二十个经济较为发达的城市投放Rio冒险之旅活动海报2、在这些城市的商业街选取一到两家门面作为冒险之旅活动小站,用于为那些拥有冒险资格的玩家发放冒险之旅冒险提示3、在每个城市

2、设计6条不同的冒险路线,配合Rio六种不同口味进行命名4、5、设置冒险大奖,体验里约热内卢之旅等等 以月或者季度为单位更新冒险路线,保持活动新鲜感 以_为例:A获得Rio 冒险资格之后,可以根据自己的喜好选择Rio的颜色来确定下一站方向,选择白色前往颐和园银杏林,选择粉色前往公主坟,选择蓝色前往天坛,选择黄色前往王府井,选择绿色前往鸟巢,选择紫色前往故宫。假如A选择了白色并前往了银杏林,则需要根据任务指示牌完成以下任务:采集银杏树叶,将树叶摆出RIO的形状,然后找到一个异性路人在RIO形状树叶旁边拍照并将照片上传至社交网络(可兑换白色RIO一瓶),并由此路人选择下一站RIO颜色(白色除外),如

3、果此路人选择粉色,则前往公主坟,在玉渊潭公园收集樱花摆出RIO形状,并且找到一对新婚夫妇在此合影并将照片上传(可兑换2瓶粉色RIO),同时请这对夫妇选择下一站颜色(白,粉除外),假如这对夫妇选择了蓝色,那么冒险家应该前往天坛,在天坛回音壁用手机录下“我是A,I love RIO,I love real”上传至社交(可兑换3瓶蓝色RIO),根据24小时内状态下面的赞的数量选择下一站颜色(小于10选择黄色,10至20之间选择绿色,20及以上选择紫色),选择黄色,则应该前往王府井大街寻找10个穿黄色衣服的人摆出爱心的形状随后散开,录制成短视频上传(可兑换4瓶黄色RIO),再次根据点击量选择下一站颜色

4、(小于等于100前往绿色站,大于100则前往紫色站),前往绿色站的需要在鸟巢附近的找到一个树上的鸟巢拍下来,上传到网络(可兑换5瓶绿色RIO),随后前往紫色站故宫,在故宫中寻找10处龙雕,并且在大殿处自拍,即可完成冒险之旅,参与到超级大奖的角逐之中。第2篇:Rio Critics影评Rio CriticsMany audiences have watched Rio , the involuntary would be the South American countrys Samba Capital of longingbecause he is a hot inland from the

5、Rio Brazilian boy, make a movie to give the motherland, but also for the beautiful home to do the best tourism promotion。The beginning of the film, crazy bird jumped from the game screen, colorful hornbill lash honor guard, standing with a wonderful singing voice of the canary in the branches, as we

6、ll as a small blue macaw just woke up .Beautiful jungle awakened eyes, colorful bird from the screen came rushing to us, an ordinary day in the jungle, but the beauty of the world filled。Dazzling, the entire life seems to have excited cheers as the opening, mood swings up.Everyone back to see their

7、growth, will find someone toaccompany all the way to the total winding, perhaps the floor debris, leaving the memory is good and smile.Warm, fun, crazy, caring, is needed, different species of friendship can be integrated into the interpretation of them exceptionally life.However, any period of frie

8、ndship will inevitablyencounter the dilemma of being questioned and ridiculed.Blue is not an outdoor bird teased the real bird, he will not even fly.Blue is not a hero dream, not to revive racial vision, accompanied by Lindas in his mid-year after year, he has never felt she was her master, he likes

9、 the cage, like coffee and cotton candy, do not fly like the life .But fate, or will he push the center of the stage, he is finally a male macaw, he was going to Rio with the worlds last blind date a female macaw Jewel.A flightle bird, a fly or the courage to even feel the wings of birds dancing, ju

10、st a ki on the fly the day.Really like those claic description: love can make people fly to the sky, foggy.Story, the play is very smooth vicarious together, to fill the gap, not the least bit sloppy.The film describes the relationship between humans and animals.Birds are friends, if people love bir

11、ds, not the put them in a cage as a pet, but should conform to their nature, so that they are free to fly under the blue sky.It is not just the Ministry of simple animation, the film feels more suited to individual couples to enjoy together.It allows people to pick up the beautiful feeling of love.L

12、ove from the unfamiliarproce will inevitably conflict, to slowly integrate until fall in love, is important for you to listen to the call of the heart, be brave and never give up.Finally,I want to say, The blue Never benefit from his domesticated life and if jelly, until the beautiful and courageous

13、 pursuit of freedom in South America to see the female parrots Pearl, only to find their own real life.A fool not to fly from, to become an independently, to protect the role of lover.Blue has been lost, anxious, and every doubted his youth, like fate was arranged, how to choose.What kind of life yo

14、u pursue, you may get kind of life.You complain about not travel day, have complained that day to stay in situ life.Life than other biological life is more important.More often, people do not have animals, so brave, has been in pursuit of their own is not necearily true need.From the blue we learned

15、 a lot, its brave, strong, what we need.Whether it is family, friendship or love, it was as if we are to see their.It is hope that we play as full as joy, enthusiastic and happy life.第3篇:Rio Olympics奥运会开幕式Rio Olympics奥运会开幕式-08-06 22:18:10 巴西文化的庆祝活动为特色吉赛尔,狂欢式的舞蹈和一个精心制作的灯光显示正式拉开游戏里约奥运会的开幕式,在马拉卡纳体育场,来到

16、了一个壮观的烟花汇演密切烟花里约年奥运会的里约热内卢开幕式爆炸在马拉卡纳体育场烟花爆炸形成的里约年奥运会开幕式期间,奥运五环人们在观看烟花爆炸在马拉卡纳体育场,从贫民区曼格拉,里约年奥运会的开幕式观众看在里约热内卢马拉卡纳体育场里约年奥运会的开幕式结束奥运五环在仪式期间与种子发芽箱组成今年活动的主题之一占世界无状态的竞争对手- 十难民运动员队也在仪式上得到了巨大的欢呼。超模吉赛尔邦辰走上舞台,舞台开幕式期间发挥从伊帕内玛的女孩“该模型,谁是巴西,飞回她的祖国出现在里约年奥运会开幕式巴西名模吉赛尔邦辰(C)里约年奥运会的开幕式庆祝这位35岁的超级名模似乎欣赏节目,因为她被拍到从欢呼的人群明星,谁穿一个惊人的银色礼服,是许多名人和高调的人之一在事件名人也出在活动,其中包括12岁的巴西饶舌歌手MC谁索菲亚进行英国旗手安迪穆雷的里约奥运会年开幕式期间,导致了英国队英国旗手穆雷亮出了自己的腿,与英国队的白色短裤,蓝色夹克和红色鞋子的其余一起英国队将会寻求在仪式期间正式拉开序幕奥


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