极简中国风 (28).pptx

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1、画眉A nnualB usinessR eportD esignedB yY eyingCONTENTS/目录PartOneThe time is out of, that ever I was born to set it right!BrevityPartTwoThe time is out of, that ever I was born to set it right!BrevityPartThreeThe time is out of, that ever I was born to set it right!BrevityPartFourThe time is out of, th

2、at ever I was born to set it right!Brevityart one第一章ChapterOneThe time is out of joint O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!Brevity is the soul of wit01MirandaKerr/Some words about you desire to express02SimonGandy/Some words about you desire to express03BaptisteOpry/Some words abou

3、t you desire to express04CharlizeTheron/Some words about you desire to expressAbout UsBeholdhow,beginningwiththediscoveryofprinting,architecturewithersawaylittlebylittle,becomeslifelessandbare.HowonefeelsthewatersinkingThe chill is almost imperceptible in the fifteenth century; the press is, as yet,

4、 too weak, and, at the most,life.But practically beginning with the sixteenth century, the malady of architecture is visible; it is no longer the expression of society; it becomes Add Some Brilliant WordsKe y Wo r d s 0102Add Some Brilliant WordsAnd really I began to fear his wits were touched. If h

5、e were insane, however, his was a very cool and collected insanityAdd Some Brilliant WordsKey WordsHowever, if these good Haudriettes were, for the moment, complying with the statutes of pierre dAilly, they certainly violated withKey WordsSo now it was all over, he thought. So now he would never hav

6、e a chance to finish it. So88Key Words75Key Words63Key Words42Key Words79Key WordsAdd Some Brilliant Words关键字| |关键字| |关键字| |关键字ViewMoreHowever, if these good Haudriettes were, for the moment, complying with the statutes of pierre dAilly, they certainly violated with joy those of Michel de Brache, an

7、d the Cardinal art two第二章ChapterTwoThe time is out of joint O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!Brevity is the soul of witSo now it was all over, he thought. So now he would never have a chance to finish it. So this was the way it ended in a bickering over a drink. Since the gangre

8、ne started in his right leg he had no pain and with the pain the horror had gone and all he felt now was a great tiredness and anger that this was the end of it. For this, that now was coming, he had very little curiosity.Add Some Brilliant WordsThings base and vile, holding no quantity, love can tr

9、anspose to from and dignity: love looks not with the eyes, but with mind“The course of true love never did run smooth”0123456201120152016201420122013The sort of living being which lay upon that plank on the morning of Quasimodo, in the year of the Lord, 1467, appeared to excite to a high degree, the

10、 curiosity of the numerous group which had congregated about the wooden bed.The group was formed for the most part of the fair sex.Hardly any one was thereAdd Some Brilliant WordsAdd Some Brilliant WordsDree, and dreary! I reflected as the good woman descended to receive the doctor; and not exactly

11、of the kind which I should have chosen to amuse me. But never mind! Ill extract wholesome medicines from Mrs Deans bitter herbs; and firstly, let me beware the fascination that lurks in Catherine Heathcliffs brilliant eyes. I should be in a curious taking if I surrendered my heart to that young pers

12、on, and the daughter turned out a second edition of the mother!But here is Kenneth; Ill go down, and tell him how much better you are. My history is dree, as we say, and will serve to while away another morning. I could prevail on myself to put the missiveKey Words Add Some Brilliant WordsThe sort o

13、f living being which lay upon that plank on the morning of Quasimodo, in the year of the Lord, 1467, appeared to excite toKey WordsBut here is Kenneth; Ill go down, and tell him how much better you are. My history is dree, as we say, and will serve to while away another morningA dd Som e B rilliant

14、W ordsThe sort of living being which lay upon that plank on the morning of Quasimodo, in the year of the Lord, 1467, appeared to excite to a high degree, the curiosity of the numerous group which had congregated about the wooden bed.The group was formed for the most part of the fair sex.Hardly any o

15、ne was there except old women.art three第三章ChapterThreeThe time is out of joint O, cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!Brevity is the soul of witKey WordsKey WordsThe time is out of joint O cursed spite, that ever I was born to set it right!Brevity isThe time is out of joint O cursed s

16、pite, that ever I was born to set it right!Brevity isAdd Some Brilliant WordsI protested against playing that treacherous part in my employers house: and, besides, I urged the cruelty and selfishness of his destroying Mrs Lintons tranquillity for his satisfaction02.Key Words01.He sat down. I recalled his singular conduct of yesterdayAnd really I began to fear his wits were touched. If he were insane, however, his was a very cool and collected insanityAdd Some Brilliant WordsTypeTwoThe time is ou


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