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1、医院科室人员量化管理实施方案 医院科室人员量化管理的实施方案 精神一科关关于在岗人员量化管理的实施施方案加强我科质量管理和和安全管理,充分调动职工的的积极性和创造性,进一步增增强我科人员的责任心和义务务感,根据医院、医务科制定定的综合时间考评标准并结合合我科实际情况,制定本方案案:1:量化的目的: 2:量化化的对象:1:科内所有医医护人员。2住院病人和家家属。3医疗护理质量。a)安全管理。b)卫生生质量。)医德医风建设。3:量化的基本原则: d)人人平等,机会平等的的原则。)不暗箱操作,公公开、公正、公平的原则。f)注重实际,审时度实的的原则。4量化的方法:a)建立健全科内量化管理组组织,管理


3、考核成效,决定奖惩。d)对奖惩结果,职工有有权提出异议,解释权由科主主任、护士长负责。6量化化项目及细则:a)劳动纪纪律: 按时上下班,不迟到、不不早退,上班期间不会友、串串科室、闲谈、看报纸、干私私活、带孩子。服从领导安安排,不讲条件,不讲理由,领导要干的工作坚决做好。v坚守岗位,不串岗,不不乱岗,责任明确,态度严谨谨。v严守病人秘密,不向向家人朋友议论与病人有关的的病情,不私自外借病历。v上班期间不请吃请喝。b)病历书写: 病历书写体现查房,内容容要务实、真实。诊断与治治疗方案相符;住院同期与疗疗效相符。v三日内不能确确诊病历要有会诊、讨论记录录,并及时更改治疗方案。v兵力、病程记录完成及

4、时,无缺失病历。v三防及护护理级别要符合病人当时表现现,随时更改,病程记录严格格按护理级别书写。v上级级医师对下级医师书写的病历历要进行检查、修改。)业业务学习及考核: 学习有讲稿,有笔记记,并掌握有关内容。学习习内容为精神科专业知识以及及有关的内科知识和急救知识识。v采取晨会提问的方式式。v业务学习应与临床实实践相结合,主治职称以上者者每年需至少拿出1篇省级以以上论文。v每半年举行一一次科内业务考试。v以上上形式采用量化分记入个人量量化档案。4、安全管理: 定期进行安全全教育,做到制度化、经常化化。定期对病历进行检查查和评估。定期对安全隐隐患进行检查和评估:1病史采集的真实性,体检的的全面性

5、,辅检的及时性,诊诊断与治疗的综合性,病历书书写及时程度。2对病区区内设施,病人衣物,床铺定定期检查,定期搜身。3对病人的饮食进行观察。病病人一日三餐除特殊情况外必必需 查岗位职责,主班班人员不但要在岗,而且要成成。脱离自己岗位15分钟视视为不在岗,只一名大夫主班班是不论任何情况都不准脱岗岗。大交班:目的:完善质量量管理,降低安全隐患,是一一忽人员对病人有更深层次的的了解,同时重点了解、全面面掌握病员情况,以便及 education on Party membersadvancement activities and enhance awareness of the Communist You

6、th League education achievements, and vigorously promote the construction of civilization advanced units, units and staff home building activities, balanced, focused, pragmatic, innovation, high standard, high quality, high level, high efficiency to complete various tasks throughout the year.First,

7、pay close attention to research information, efforts to improve decision-making servicesIn accordance with the information reflect the information, promote the work of information leading work requirements, adhere to grasp the team construction, mechanism construction and quantitative assessment, gi

8、ve full play to the assistant role of leadership, actively promote the innovation of research information development, and vigorously promote the research work of information to mention upgrading, efforts to improve the ability and level of decision-making.(a) adhere to the decision in the first pla

9、ce. To make the decision service as the focus of the work, participate in the point, and in the key place, in order to promote the democratization of decision-making, scientific advice. Based on the citys youth career 11th Five-Year good bureau and the Communist Youth League work across the developm

10、ent, focus on the implementation of Scientific Outlook on Development theory and practice subject adolescents and youth work process of building a socialist harmonious society, pay close attention to the global, strategic, forward-looking major problems, grasp the overall situation, pay attention to

11、 plan and implement the specific tasks assigned by the leadership from the overall situation, think ahead on major issues concerning the overall situation, in-depth Study, grasp the dynamic, put forward suggestions, reflect in time.(two) adhere to the investigation. As an important way to firmly gra

12、sp the important link of scientific and democratic decision-making, focus on key leadership concern, concern and hot points of youth practice work, adhere to the practice to investigate and research, fully and accurately grasp the actual situation, for the leadership decision-making comes from pract

13、ice, practical to provide first-hand information. To enhance the initiative, according to municipal Party committee leadership activities, week activities, in the research make great efforts to provide more targeted for leadership, predictability and effectiveness of comments and suggestions.(three)

14、 adhere to the information planning as an important means of expanding. The sources of information, through the network, the media and other channels, increase integration efforts the work of the Communist Youth League and youth information dynamic information resources, increase the information pla

15、nning efforts to refine the Communist Youth League, and give full play to the role of information reference, to improve the quality of information as a fundamental, outstanding information work sensitivity and timeliness, timely, accurately, comprehensively reflect the municipal Party committee, municipal government, the Central Committee of the implementation of a major deployment, leadership attention, hot and difficult issues of concern to the masses and some important emergencies, timely provide all kinds of deep and valuable component of the following information


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