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1、2017年10高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语(二)试卷(课程代码 00015)本试卷共8页,满分100分,考试时间150分钟。考生答题注意事项:1. 本卷所有试题必须在答题卡上作答。答在试卷上无效,试卷空白处和背面均可作草稿纸。2. 在选择题区。必须对应试卷上的题号使用2B铅笔将“答题卡”的相应代码涂黑。3. 在非选择题区。必须注明大、小题号,使用0.5毫米黑色字迹签字笔作答。4. 合理安排答题空间,超出答题空间无效。选择题区第一部分:判断阅读(第110题,每题1分,共10分)下面的短文后列出了10个句子,请根据短文的内容对每个句子作出判断:如果该句提供的是正确信息,选择A;如果该句提供

2、的是错误信息,选择B;如果该句的信息文中没有提及,选择C。在答题卡相应位置上将答案选项涂黑。My Writing TeacherEnglish writing was always easy for me,but that changed on the first day I walked into Mrs.Johnsons class.Before that,Id heard rumors from former students.They said she was strict and her class was hard to pass.So I was very nervous.The

3、 first time we met,Mrs.Johnson told us her class would be difficult,but she would give us new “tools “and guide us through. She explained that her grading system was different,and that we would not see high scores soon.”Everything you do in class matters,”she said ,”As writing is an art ,it takes a

4、long time to perfect.”Mrs.Johnson scared me.I was afraid of what she would say if I asked a question.So in class I kept silent most of the time and couldnt follow her.When I got my first essay back,my grade was terrible.I was annoyed with Mrs.Johnson.I disliked going to her class.Then I realized I n

5、eeded to find out what I could do to improve my grade and how to use the “tools”in my writing.As I still didnt dare to talk to Mrs.Johnson in person,I e-mailed her.In this way,she and I worked together to improve my writing.By and by,i could talk to her both online and in person.She walked me throug

6、h every step to understand how to write an essay.Together we saw improvement in my work.From this I discovered that asking for help could actually work.Behind everything Mrs.Johnson was saying,she actually cared about me and where I would be in the future.She knocked me down so that I could climb ba

7、ck stronger.1. I was worried when I was in Mrs.Johnsons first class.A.True B.False C.Not given2. Mrs.Johnson used the same grading system as other teachers.A.True B.False C.Not given3. Mrs.Johnson regards writing as an art.A.True B.False C.Not given4.i was active in class in the beginning.A.True B.F

8、alse C.Not given5.Most students enjoyed Mrs.Johnsons class.A.True B.False C.Not given6.I got a high score for my first essay.A.True B.False C.Not given7.Mrs.Johnson preferred to email students.A.True B.False C.Not given8.Mrs.Johnson let me improve my writing by myself.A.True B.False C.Not given9.I f

9、inally became a top student in the writing class.A.True B.False C.Not given10.Mrs.Johnson cared about my future.A.True B.False C.Not given第二部分:阅读选择(第1115题,每题2分,共10分)阅读下面短文,请从短文后所给各题的4个选项(A.B.C.D)中选出1个最佳选项,并在答题卡相应位置上将该项涂黑。The KiltWhenever people from Scotland live foreign countries,they are always as

10、ked:Is Scotland that place where men wear skirts?”The short answer is yes,but there is more about the myths of Scottish”skits.”The “skirt” that Scotsmen(苏格兰男子)sometimes wear is called a “kilt”.It is part of traditional dress of Scotland.The kilt is clearly very famous across the world.It seems that

11、everybody has heard of it,and that most people have seen a picture of a man wearing one.Peoples knowledge and ideas about Scotsmen wearing these funny kilts come from films and television.Every time people from other countries ask about the kilts,they mention Mel Gibsons film,Braveheart.In many coun

12、tries, there are many television programmes about Scotland, These programmes always include information or images of men in kilts.Of course, in Scotland,you will often see the kilt.The reality is,though,that you will most commonly see it in tourist areas,The main streets and tourist areas of Scotlan

13、d always have a Scotsman wearing a kilt and all tourist shops in the country sell kilts in different colours.But kilts are not something that Scottish people see every day.Kilts are for special occasions,such as wedding,funerals and other big and important events.Scotsmen do not put on their kilts j

14、ust to buy a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread at the local supermarket. The reason for this may be that kilts are very expensive.When a man wears a kilt,he normally wears it with a special shirt,jacket,socks and shoes.This is obviously not cheap.In fact,an average kilt outfit(全套服装) costs around 50

15、0.11. According to the text,the Scotsmen _.A.like foreign culture B.sometimes wear kiltsC.enjoy talking about kilts D.often visit foreign countries12. Mel Gibson is probably a _.A. painter B.musician C.movie star D.fashion designer13. In Scotland,kilts are more often seen _.A.in tourist shops B.in public schoolsC.on the stage D.at local markets14. people do not wear kilts every day probably because of their _.A.funny designs B.dull coloursC.poor qualities D.high price15. This text is mainly about the _


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