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1、本资料来源于七彩教育网 辽宁省大连市2009年高三双基测试卷英 语 试 题第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21A proverb says that new broom sweeps clean, but old one knows all the corners.Aa; theBa; anCthe; anDthe; a 22Hoping to be stronger to compete with the worlds best, Murray

2、 has put on about 4kg by eating twice as much as his amount.AcommonBordinaryCformalDusual23It is a great for a person to be able to drive when he is seeking a job.Aadvantage BchanceCbenefitDfortune24With the rapid development of medical science, we more new drugs used in the treatment of cancer.Asee

3、Bhad seenCwill be seeingDwould see25 the fact that he is a star on stage now, this young man is still shy and talks little.ABy means of BIn spite of CIn face of DApart from26Nowadays for many people a winter vacation simply doesnt count it includes several days in the ski run.AunlessBuntilConceDthou

4、gh27Mr. Li said those who had failed further training and a second chance to pass the exam the next week.Awere givenBhad givenCwere to give Dwould be given28How do you find your partner? .AQuite by chanceBOn the InternetCCreative and easy-goingDWell and good29The long and tiring talk, filled with ar

5、guments and quarrels, ended in disorder, no agreement at all.AreachingBreachedCto reachDbeing reached30Jiuzhai Valley is far from big cities. , it attracts people from all over the country for its beautiful scenery.AStillBBesidesCThoughDTherefore31Could you tell us happens when one student in class

6、expresses a personal opinion maybe offends other students?Athat; thatBwhat; whereCthat; whereDwhat; that32In the dormitory, many students like to pictures to make the room less bare.Afigure outBput up Ctake upDbring out33The hall for international conferences is of great importance. I see, and we ar

7、e sure to complete it on time.Abuilt BbuildingChaving been builtDto be built34If it were not for literature, the well-known writer J, K. Rowling nowhere in life. Acould go Bmust go Cwould have goneDshould have gone35Is mans ability to reason that sets him apart from other animals?Aone BthisCitD/第二节

8、完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Just home from work, Daddy stopped in the kitchen where Mother and I were preparing supper. From the look on his face, we knew something was 36 him.“Mr. Roth is worse,” he said. “The doctor says its only a 37 of time

9、 now. The old man can 38 his pain, but not the long hours he has to spend along. His eyes are 39 bad that he cant read, and he doesnt get much 40 . He keeps begging for a big dog to be his companion, 41 he can reach out and touch as he sits in his wheelchair in the sun.”“Why dont they 42 him a dog?”

10、 I asked.“Honey, with Mr. Roth in the hospital so much of time, there are a lot of 43 . There isnt enough money.”“They could go to the animal shelter and get one,” I 44 .“Yes,” Daddy said. “I suppose they could. But it has to be a 45 dog, one they can trust to be gentle. Not all big dogs are.”After

11、supper, I 46 back where my big German shepherd(牧羊犬), Dan, was dozing under a tree. He jumped up and ran to meet me 47 he always did when I came into sight. There were no other 12-year-old girls in our neighborhood, so I 48 Dan for companionship. When I rode my bicycle, he ran behind me; when I rolle

12、r-skated on the sidewalk, he trotted(小跑)behind. It had been that way since Daddy 49 him home four years before.Now, I couldnt forget Daddys words in the kitchen. I threw my arms around Dans neck and buried my face 50 his stiff hair.“I love you,” I whispered to him. “Id be 51 without you, but oh, Dan

13、, I know what I should do, 52 I dont want to do it .”I thought about Mr. Roth. He was old, sick and almost 53 . It seemed to me that he was just about out of blessings. I got up 54 . I knew what I had to do, and if I didnt do it right now, Id 55 myself out of it.I went to my father and said, “Mr. Ro

14、th can borrow Dan.” Tears started down my face.36AcatchingBbotheringCpuzzlingDfrightening37AsortBlotCwasteDmatter38AbearBconsiderCcureDovercome39AsoBtooCveryDalso40ArelationshipBcompanyCwealthDbusiness41AsomeoneBthisConeDthat42AbuyBofferCfindDpromise43AsuppliesBoperationsCexpensesDvisitors44ArepliedBaskedCexplainedDsuggested45AfierceBspecialCusefulDbrave46Acame inBgot up Cturned awayDwent out47AonceBthoughCasDif48Acame


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